Knowing, learning, and understanding C++ is crucial before delving into specific paths like game development, engine creation, or tool development, as it provides a strong foundation in memory management and performance optimization. Mastery of C++ ensures effective use of game engines like Unreal Engine and allows for efficient systems programming and gameplay logic implementation. Additionally, a solid grasp of C++ enhances adaptability and problem-solving skills across various game development domains.

Top youtube channels to learn basic C++ language Channel name Direct video link
1 Bro code click here
2 Free code camp click here
3 Extern code click here
4 Striver click here

<aside> 💡 These are some of the top choices liked by most beginner students


Here are some of the free Docs and website where you can read and learn C++

<aside> 💡 It’s a better practice to learn by reading official docs rather than watching video tutorials on youtube, reading docs and webpages helps to learn fast, most senior devs follow the same path to learn any new technology in less span of time


These are some of the most popular web pages and docs to learn c++ language, as of now there is no official doc read